Welcome to Honey Bears

For children aged 36 to 60 months


We hope your child is looking forward to joining us in the Honey Bears. 

Here is a little more information about our Honey Bears’sessions.




Our Honey Bears’ room leader is Sara and the deputy room lead is Daniela, your child will be allocated a keyperson as soon as they start with us and we will let you know who this is. Your child’s key person keeps a record of achievement for each child known as their Learning Journal.  Your child’s record helps us to celebrate their achievements and then work together to provide what your child needs for their well-being and to make progress. 

Your child's keyworker will work in partnership with you to keep this record. To do this they will collect information about your child's needs, activities, interests and achievements. This information will enable the key person to identify your child's stage of progress. Together, we will then decide on how to help your child to move on to the next stage.

Promoting Independence


In preparation for the children going to big school their registration cards in the Honey Bears will only have your child’s name on and not their photo, this is to encourage them to recognise their own name. We will also use these for our name writing activities.

We also like you to encourage your child to take off their own coat and hang it up when they come in at the start of their session. This encourages your child’s independence. 



On some sessions we have a P.E. Lesson to encourage the children to dress and undress by themselves (with lots of supervision and help available if needed).  

A list of the PE dates will be sent out at the beginning of each half term.  Your child will need a T-shirt, shorts and plimsolls clearly named in a P.E. bag. (P.E. bags and T-shirts are available to buy from Pre School if you wish.)

Please dress your child in easy to manage clothes and shoes as this will increase their confidence and ability when changing. All P.E. kits will remain in Honey Bears and will be sent home termly.

The P.E. lesson will involve: 

  • Movement in a variety of ways
  • Balancing
  • Movement to music
  • Playing games
  • Observing the effect exercising has on our bodies
  • Use of equipment such as beanbags, balls, hoops and the slide.


Preparing your Child for School

When it is time for your child to leave us and continue their journey in primary school we will liaise with all local schools, arranging for the teachers to come and visit their new children at the pre-school, as well as organising visits to the school.   

We may also, with your permission, meet with the reception teachers to assist with the sharing of information on specific children and their needs, to aid the smooth transition to their new school. All necessary documentation will be passed onto the receiving setting/school and your child’s learning journey will be given to you. 

Who will my teachers be?

